I'm New
Expect to come and feel the love of Jesus Christ through us, no matter who you are, what you look like, what you’ve done, where you’ve been, or any other barrier you may perceive. Christ said to love. Period! No qualifiers, ifs, ands, or buts about it. So come as you are, just as you are.

What should I wear?
Dress varies from casual to a bit dressy. Wear whatever suits your style and is comfortable. Just come!
What's the service like?
A typical service will last about 60 minutes and follows a traditional format. The message is Bible based. We sing traditional songs with occasional contemporary songs. Beautiful music is offered by choir, organ, piano, and other instruments. A screen will display words to the readings and songs which are also printed in the bulletin or in the hymnals. Children can participate in the Worship service or choose to go to KIDS ZONE for 4yr-olds to 2nd grade or to the NURSERY.
What about accessibility?
Evan UMC is a handicapped friendly building allowing differently-abled persons almost full access to any part of the church building. The east and west sanctuary entrances have handicap button activated doors. Note that the office area entrance has three steps just inside leading to the hallway. During office hours a doorbell microphone can be used to let the secretary know you are there. The beautiful trio of double doors in the front of the building are rarely used since they aren't as close to the parking lots and there are steps just inside those entrances. There is an elevator near the lobby area that goes to the second floor education wing.
Restrooms are located on both floors. On the main floor they are between the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. Follow the overhead signs.
During worship, we offer wireless hearing assist devices for those who need them.
Restrooms are located on both floors. On the main floor they are between the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. Follow the overhead signs.
During worship, we offer wireless hearing assist devices for those who need them.
A Few Snapshots of Our Activities
How To Contact Us
Phone: 309-444-3228
Email: evanumc@mtco.com
Office Hrs: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Email: evanumc@mtco.com
Office Hrs: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm