Our Food Pantry is a free gift. Freely given to those with food insecurity just like God's love is a free gift to all of us! Everyone is welcome! There are no requirements to meet. Our Pantry has lovingly served 2,390 people in the 15 years since we started it.
The Pantry is open for give away once a month. Check the calendar. On that day, park in the west lot off Pine St. You’ll be given a list of the food available and will be asked to mark your choices. Please put your name and number of people in the family on the order to identify it. When your order is ready, you will be directed to the east lot to pick it up.
Volunteers are the core of this outreach. Nonperishable food donations are always needed and can be brought Sunday morning and placed in the tub outside the sanctuary or to the office during office hours. Click below for the list of most needed items.
Help is especially needed at 8:30 am on the Thursday before the Pantry Give-Away to unload items from Midwest Distribution Center and set-up. Help is also needed for the Give-Away. Come at 6:30 am that Saturday. If you have questions about helping or anything else, use the "Questions or Comments" button on this page or contact the church office .
Help is especially needed at 8:30 am on the Thursday before the Pantry Give-Away to unload items from Midwest Distribution Center and set-up. Help is also needed for the Give-Away. Come at 6:30 am that Saturday. If you have questions about helping or anything else, use the "Questions or Comments" button on this page or contact the church office .